
draw back是什么意思翻译_draw back的音标怎么读

draw back

撒回, 收回(承诺等), 拉起, 退却


He had promised to help me but at the last moment he drew back.


At the sight of the snake, he drew back in horror.


退缩; 收回

At the sight of a mouse, she drew back in horror.

她一看见老鼠, 就吓得连连退缩。

draw back

撒回, 收回(承诺等), 拉起, 退却


He had promised to help me but at the last moment he drew back.


At the sight of the snake, he drew back in horror.


退缩; 收回

At the sight of a mouse, she drew back in horror.

她一看见老鼠, 就吓得连连退缩。

draw back



wince  flinch   draw backdraw back
1.翻译:(把…)向后拉开He drew back the curtain.他拉开窗帘。
2.翻译:退缩, 后退, 缩手不干At the sight of the snake, the girl drew back.一看到蛇, 那女孩就往后退缩。Neither side can draw back from the agreement once the contract is signed.合同一旦签订, 任何一方都不准反悔。
3.翻译:退到一边去Mary drew back from other people at the party.在聚会上, 玛丽离开其他人退到一边去了。
4.翻译:收回(诺言等)It may already be too late to draw back.现在收回诺言或许为时太晚了。She never draws back from what she promises.她从没食言过。

draw back
1.翻译:拉开(窗帘、幕布等):She drew back the curtain.她拉开窗帘。
2.翻译:向后移动,后退,后缩:The crowd drew back as the tank approached.当坦克靠近时,这群人就往后退缩。She drew back her foot from the step.她从台阶上退了下来。
3.翻译:(因没有把握或害怕等)缩回,撤回;退却:At the sight of the blood he drew back in horror.他一看到血就惊恐地连忙后退。
4.翻译:使保持距离:She drew back from him at the dancing party.在舞会上她与他保持距离。
5.翻译:撤回,收回,取消,不遵守(诺言、协议等):It's too late to draw back from the plan.现在要退出那计划已为时太晚。to draw back from its agreement撤回原协议

见:draw: draw back

draw back

名词 draw back:

the quality of being a hindrance


动词 draw back:

pull back or move away or backward

同义词:withdraw, retreat, pull away, recede, pull back, retire, move back

use a surgical instrument to hold open (the edges of a wound or an organ)

同义词:retract, pull back